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Check if password valid
I would like to check if password is valid or not, when i click on the button add, if the input is empty the button will be disabled.
I have tried this
function check_validity(value) {
if (value == "") {
$(".btn-add").attr("disabled", "disabled");
return false;
return true;
and this
function check_validity(value) {
if (value == "") {
$(".btn-add").attr("disabled", "disabled");
return false;
return true;
This is the button
This is the add button
First thing first. If you use input or text then validation does not need JS, it's already built in HTML5. If you're using a Bootstrap form.
You can easily do this using the.rules() method from.validator().
var $f = $('.form');
var $b = $('.btn-add');
$b.click(function() {
if (!$f.valid()) {
return false;
var v = $f.validate({
rules: {
password: {
minlength: 5,
required: true be359ba680
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